It's been too long since my last update, but I am happy to be bringing you wonderful news!
Porter Mac has completely stolen our hearts. He is just the sweetest little thing and he LOVES to be outside! He snorts when he gets mad and it's so funny! They are all doing well and settling in to a good routine and just loving every moment with him.
The therapists came to see him yesterday and it turns out he is doing so well, he doesn't even qualify for their assistance! THIS IS JUST THE MOST AMAZING NEWS!!! I would have never in a million years thought that on July 11th, that almost 2 months later, I would bring you the news that he is doing this well.
He is truly our miracle baby!
Thank you too all of you who have continued to pray. His life has been changed by the faith you have had and the willingness to invest in his life. Let us never think again that our prayers don't make a difference!
I have recieved several bracelets in the mail. If you still have yours and would love to put it in his baby book, please mail them to me. I want him to see the ones that supported him throughout this journey and to encourage him in the power of prayer.
I look forward to continually bringing you good news :)
Thanks and Blessings!
"And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up" James 5:15
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
NG Tube out! Doing great!
I am so sorry it's been so long since my last update. It has been a crazy few weeks around our house and everytime I try and sit down to write, I get up and go see him instead :)
They removed the NG tube last week and he has been eating GREAT!!!! He is so precious and a joy to be around. He is STRONG, Beautiful and I just can't believe that he has only been on this earth 6 weeks. He is beginning all of his therapies and they are still working on his lab work trying to get everything straightened out.
Thomas and Jennifer are doing good. It has been overwhelming and stressful at times, but they are starting to get into a routine with him. Please continue to pray for peace and rest. They are believing God for complete healing and we are too!
We are so thankful to you all who have prayed, donated, visited, fed and just loved the family through out this experience. You have blessed them beyond imagination and we can't tell you enough what comfort it has been.
I would love to collect as many bracelets as I can :) Please mail them to me whenever you can.
Send them to Jacquelyn Ray 746 West Avenue, Cartersville 30120 :)
Thank you again and I look forward to bringing you more great reports soon!
God Bless!
Monday, August 9, 2010
1st Doctors Visit
Porter Mac had his first doctors appointment today and they had a great visit! They didn't know what to expect and were all a little nervous, but they LOVED his new Pediatrician and I think she was pleasantly surprised at how far he has come. He is still slowly but surely getting better with his bottle feeds and they are hopeful that he will be able to come off the feeding tube before the month is up!
As far as the rest of the check up, things were very positive and I think Porter Mac is just going to surprise us all! He is STRONG and will keep getting STRONGER! They are ALL exhausted and will hopefully get some rest tonight.
Keep praying that he will just keep working of his bottle and LOVE it :) He's such an angel!
I promise promise to overload you with pictures soon! :) It's been a pain trying to figure out why my pictures won't come off my SIM card, but hopefully we can get it fixed tomorrow!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Great Day!
Porter McClain had a GREAT day! Jennifer has been working with him so well on his bottle feeds, and tonight he took his ENTIRE Feeding (2 oz) by mouth! It's the first time in his life he hasn't had to have the pump hooked up! We were so shocked and excited! They are lookin forward to his next feeding to see how he will do again!
They are starting to get in their groove and figured out a schedule. Tomorrow will be his first appointment with his Pediatrician and they are excited to see what the Dr. has to say. I also got to see Porter Mac pee all over his daddy, which made me laugh more than I have laughed in a long time.
I could see the confidence growing in them tonight. Thomas starts back to work full time tomorrow so it will be another day of adjusting, but he is excited to get back and so what he can for his family.
Please continue to keep them in your prayers! I promise I will have pictures up tomorrow!!!!
God Bless!
They are starting to get in their groove and figured out a schedule. Tomorrow will be his first appointment with his Pediatrician and they are excited to see what the Dr. has to say. I also got to see Porter Mac pee all over his daddy, which made me laugh more than I have laughed in a long time.
I could see the confidence growing in them tonight. Thomas starts back to work full time tomorrow so it will be another day of adjusting, but he is excited to get back and so what he can for his family.
Please continue to keep them in your prayers! I promise I will have pictures up tomorrow!!!!
God Bless!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Welcome Home!
Sweet Porter Mac has finally arrived home! We were so excited yesterday and it was definitely overwhelming.
I can't get my pictures to upload for some reason so as soon as I can get it figured out I can get them on here! He looks so good and is such a snuggle baby! They had a long night last night trying to get settled in, so I hope tonight is a little easier. The alarm on his feeding pump went off about every 60 seconds for hours last night until they could get it fixed. Needless to say, it made an already intense situation worse. They were absolutely exhausted today, so pray they can get some actual HOURS of sleep tonight.
He fed from his bottle twice today. 10cc's this morning and 25cc's this afternoon. And they were working with him just a minute ago when I left. Please continue to pray for them as they feel the weight of this responsibility on their shoulders. Coming home from the NICU is a life changing experience. Pray that they will be confident in their abilities as parents and pray that Porter will continue to progress in his bottle feedings.
Thank you friends for all your prayers. Please continue to lift them all up. They are just precious. It's hard to be on the outside and want to just fix this for them, but I know that God will supply all their needs.
I can't get my pictures to upload for some reason so as soon as I can get it figured out I can get them on here! He looks so good and is such a snuggle baby! They had a long night last night trying to get settled in, so I hope tonight is a little easier. The alarm on his feeding pump went off about every 60 seconds for hours last night until they could get it fixed. Needless to say, it made an already intense situation worse. They were absolutely exhausted today, so pray they can get some actual HOURS of sleep tonight.
He fed from his bottle twice today. 10cc's this morning and 25cc's this afternoon. And they were working with him just a minute ago when I left. Please continue to pray for them as they feel the weight of this responsibility on their shoulders. Coming home from the NICU is a life changing experience. Pray that they will be confident in their abilities as parents and pray that Porter will continue to progress in his bottle feedings.
Thank you friends for all your prayers. Please continue to lift them all up. They are just precious. It's hard to be on the outside and want to just fix this for them, but I know that God will supply all their needs.
Friday, August 6, 2010
move that honda!!
They are signing the paperwork and getting ready to come home!!!! I can't begin to tell you all the emotions that are running wild right now, but we are totally in awe of what God has done and will continue to do in Porter McClain's life!
I can't wait to show you pictures of this baby doll once he is home sweet home! Thank you to those of you who have signed up to take them meals. This will be a huge blessing as they try and settle in :)
Blessing to you all! I'm ready to yell "Move that Honda!" :)
I can't wait to show you pictures of this baby doll once he is home sweet home! Thank you to those of you who have signed up to take them meals. This will be a huge blessing as they try and settle in :)
Blessing to you all! I'm ready to yell "Move that Honda!" :)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Bottle Feeding and Coming Home!
Porter Mac had a great day yesterday! He went from bottle feeding 5cc's, then took 10cc's, and THEN took 25cc's this morning! Once he can do this consistently he can come off the NG tube!!!!! We are so so excited!!!
Thomas and Jennifer have gone to the hospital today and will stay tonight. They are going to have to take care of him, all his feedings, changing, and bathing, to help prepare them for once they are home. They are also going to be taught how to insert his NG tube in case he pulls it out again (which I think they are a little nervous about!) Hopefully he will continue to increase his bottle feeds and won't need the tube much longer!
I can't believe he is almost a month old!!! I am so so excited by the progress he has made!! I know he will continue to grow stronger everyday! Thank you again for being a part of his life and praying for him! It has made all the difference and we are all forever grateful!
So excited about tomorrow! Can't wait to show you pictures of our sweet little man finally coming home! It's going to be an awesome day!!!
Thomas and Jennifer have gone to the hospital today and will stay tonight. They are going to have to take care of him, all his feedings, changing, and bathing, to help prepare them for once they are home. They are also going to be taught how to insert his NG tube in case he pulls it out again (which I think they are a little nervous about!) Hopefully he will continue to increase his bottle feeds and won't need the tube much longer!
I can't believe he is almost a month old!!! I am so so excited by the progress he has made!! I know he will continue to grow stronger everyday! Thank you again for being a part of his life and praying for him! It has made all the difference and we are all forever grateful!
So excited about tomorrow! Can't wait to show you pictures of our sweet little man finally coming home! It's going to be an awesome day!!!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Practice Makes Perfect

I'm so proud of Porter Mac! I just love this picture of him working on his bottle feedings! I know that when he gets home and Jennifer and Thomas are able to work with him every feeding it will become easier and easier! He is just a baby doll!
They had a good visit at the hospital today. They are getting all the loose ends tied up and we think he will be home by Saturday! It's going to be wonderful! I am extra excited that I live right next door to them! :) Bear is going to be rotten!
Thanks for all who have asked about Instead of you having to email me, the password is Ruff. Original, huh ;)
I will have tons of pictures from the softball tournament soon and can't wait to share with you the news of when he actually comes home!
Blessing on you all!
Monday, August 2, 2010
One step closer :)
Porter Mac has had a great day! He latched onto the bottle for the first time ever and took a few sucks! It's a HUGE Praise and we know that the more practice he has the better and easier it will become for him! He LOVES the mobile attached to his crib and loves to look at himself in the mirror :)
They are trying to get some things figured out before he can come home, so it's been a busy and tiring day. Please continue to lift them all up in your prayers! It's going to be a big adjustment when they get home. They are so excited and just ready to be able to be with their little man.
As far as setting up a feeding schedule, my other amazing told me about! It's perfect! If you want to get on the schedule their, just email me for the password, go to and then pick your day and see what other meals have already been taken!
Hope you all have a blessed week! I am so so ready to make the "Coming Home" announcement! It's right around the corner!!!
They are trying to get some things figured out before he can come home, so it's been a busy and tiring day. Please continue to lift them all up in your prayers! It's going to be a big adjustment when they get home. They are so excited and just ready to be able to be with their little man.
As far as setting up a feeding schedule, my other amazing told me about! It's perfect! If you want to get on the schedule their, just email me for the password, go to and then pick your day and see what other meals have already been taken!
Hope you all have a blessed week! I am so so ready to make the "Coming Home" announcement! It's right around the corner!!!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Great Weekend!
It has been such a great weekend! I cannot tell you how wonderful the softball tournament was last night! I don't know how late everyone was out there but I heard a rumor that they played til 4!!! It was so neat to see everyone in their orange Porter McClain shirts! The food was great and everyone loved the raffle prizes :) There was so much love and support, I know it has forever blessed their family! I can't wait to get the final list of all the donors and teams that played! I definitely want to thank you all and I want you to SUPPORT THOSE BUSINESSES!!!! I also have to say that my favorite team by far was "Team Woody," it was definitely entertainment :) Just Kidding Boys :)
I got to see Porter McClain for a while this afternoon and they moved him into a little crib instead of the NICU bed. He looked so good today! He was wide awake and I got to help with one of his feedings :) He sucked on his paci for a while and I was so so so proud of him!!!! They are meeting with the discharge coordinator tomorrow and will then be taught exactly what to do for his feeding :) They are so excited and anxious to get him home. Please pray that everything goes according to plan! He has been spitting up a little, so pray that this is nothing more than normal baby stuff and it doesn't prolong him being released!!!
Many of you have asked me about bringing them dinner once they get home and I have decided to make a schedule starting with next Saturday so that they will for sure be home. You can email me at and I will get you on the list! I can't begin to thank you enough. I know I write it every time I blog, but you all really are the most wonderful friends and family in the world!!!
We have talked about what we picture it being like when he comes home and Thomas has cracked me up with how he thinks it will go....bear with me on this.....You know that show Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Thomas says he invisions everyone of his friends and family in the front yard screaming and when they pull up everyone starts screaming "Move that Honda! Move that Honda! Move that Honda!" Then he holds Porter Mac up in the air and everyone starts that ugly crying, passing out, falling on their knees (You know, like the show)ha! And then Ty Pennington says, "Welcome Home Ruff Family. Welcome Home".....Doesn't that crack you up :) We will all probably be in the front yard waiting, and if you want to join us, come on, just park your car in my back yard :)
Much love to you all! I am so glad that I got to meet so many of you last night! Thank you for checking the blog and being a part of this amazing little boy's life! Jennifer said last night, "Just tell them not to change anything, cause whatever they are doing is working! Keep Praying!!! :)"
I got to see Porter McClain for a while this afternoon and they moved him into a little crib instead of the NICU bed. He looked so good today! He was wide awake and I got to help with one of his feedings :) He sucked on his paci for a while and I was so so so proud of him!!!! They are meeting with the discharge coordinator tomorrow and will then be taught exactly what to do for his feeding :) They are so excited and anxious to get him home. Please pray that everything goes according to plan! He has been spitting up a little, so pray that this is nothing more than normal baby stuff and it doesn't prolong him being released!!!
Many of you have asked me about bringing them dinner once they get home and I have decided to make a schedule starting with next Saturday so that they will for sure be home. You can email me at and I will get you on the list! I can't begin to thank you enough. I know I write it every time I blog, but you all really are the most wonderful friends and family in the world!!!
We have talked about what we picture it being like when he comes home and Thomas has cracked me up with how he thinks it will go....bear with me on this.....You know that show Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Thomas says he invisions everyone of his friends and family in the front yard screaming and when they pull up everyone starts screaming "Move that Honda! Move that Honda! Move that Honda!" Then he holds Porter Mac up in the air and everyone starts that ugly crying, passing out, falling on their knees (You know, like the show)ha! And then Ty Pennington says, "Welcome Home Ruff Family. Welcome Home".....Doesn't that crack you up :) We will all probably be in the front yard waiting, and if you want to join us, come on, just park your car in my back yard :)
Much love to you all! I am so glad that I got to meet so many of you last night! Thank you for checking the blog and being a part of this amazing little boy's life! Jennifer said last night, "Just tell them not to change anything, cause whatever they are doing is working! Keep Praying!!! :)"
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sweet Baby!
Thought you might enjoy a little video taken on Porter Mac this morning :)
(Oh, and you will have to go down and pause the play list in order to hear the video!)
(Oh, and you will have to go down and pause the play list in order to hear the video!)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Sit, Crawl, Walk!!!
It's really been a great day in the Porter McClain world :) I am so so excited to be bringing you good news!
1. Porter Mac had all his IV's taken out today! That's a great thing! He doesn't need fluids, doesn't need any more plasma, Lasix, anti-biotics, etc! Can you believe it? :) What an amazing thought!!
2. He sucked on his pacifier today in front of Thomas and Jennifer and they were so so excited to actually get to see it with their own eyes!! AND when they talked to the doctor today, she said that he sucked on in 10 times in a row!!! Praise God! This is HUGE!!!!!
3. He is coming home some time next week when they figure out his feeding measurements!!!!!! Can you believe it!?!?!? HE'S COMING HOME!!!!!!!! He will still have the NG tube to help him until he can learn to eat by mouth, but he will have his therapists come to the house 3 days a week to help!!!! HE'S COMING HOME!!!!!!!
It just blows my mind that he has come so far in 3 weeks! It's truly a miracle and he is just doing so great!!! I can now tell you that when the Dr's read his MRI, it wasn't good. It wasn't good at all. It just broke our hearts. Thomas and Jennifer didn't want to me write it, because it was like accepting it. They decided that a test was just a test, and that they would believe God until He told them otherwise. They decided not to box him in with statistics and continually pray that God would intervene. They have prayed over him every time the have seen him. He is already doing so many things that the MRI says he shouldn't, so we have believed for a full recovery!
In the back of their minds, they have wrestled with what his future would be like and wondered about things like sitting up, crawling, walking, etc. And tonight, they decided to ask the doctor about what they might possibly face and she said she fully believes that he will SIT, CRAWL AND WALK! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?!?!? I am just so beyond excited!!!!!!! We all hoped in the depths of our heart and believe he could, but to get confirmation from his doctor was just an incredible blessing tonight!
We are so so excited about the "Play and Pray for Porter McClain" Tournament tomorrow! Ryan McLendon and Matt O'Neal and their amazing team have worked so hard and have blessed this family in ways that words will never do justice! I can't wait to get the list of everyone who helped and businesses who have donated. I can tell you one thing, Cedartown and Cartersville are 2 amazing towns. Please try and make it out tomorrow if you can, even if it's to only grab a burger and see the beautiful pictures of this miracle!
I hope that this fans the flame of your faith. We all ought to pray a little more confidently, and a little more often that we have in the past. I have had to believe God for BIG things throughout my life and He has always moved, so I know to believe in Him for the impossible, BUT THIS has changed my life forever. I hope it has changed yours too. Believe Him for More! Believe His Word, because it is unshakable! I promise you, your faith will be tested again one day, and I hope that you will look back on this time, and know that with God All Things Are Possible!
Please continue to pray for his progress! We are just now awaiting the day he will come home and begin his life with his mommy and daddy. What an amazing family this will be! I can't wait to continue updating you on his life. Please keep checking back on the blog! When he comes home, it won't be the end.....only the beginning!!!
God bless you all!
1. Porter Mac had all his IV's taken out today! That's a great thing! He doesn't need fluids, doesn't need any more plasma, Lasix, anti-biotics, etc! Can you believe it? :) What an amazing thought!!
2. He sucked on his pacifier today in front of Thomas and Jennifer and they were so so excited to actually get to see it with their own eyes!! AND when they talked to the doctor today, she said that he sucked on in 10 times in a row!!! Praise God! This is HUGE!!!!!
3. He is coming home some time next week when they figure out his feeding measurements!!!!!! Can you believe it!?!?!? HE'S COMING HOME!!!!!!!! He will still have the NG tube to help him until he can learn to eat by mouth, but he will have his therapists come to the house 3 days a week to help!!!! HE'S COMING HOME!!!!!!!
It just blows my mind that he has come so far in 3 weeks! It's truly a miracle and he is just doing so great!!! I can now tell you that when the Dr's read his MRI, it wasn't good. It wasn't good at all. It just broke our hearts. Thomas and Jennifer didn't want to me write it, because it was like accepting it. They decided that a test was just a test, and that they would believe God until He told them otherwise. They decided not to box him in with statistics and continually pray that God would intervene. They have prayed over him every time the have seen him. He is already doing so many things that the MRI says he shouldn't, so we have believed for a full recovery!
In the back of their minds, they have wrestled with what his future would be like and wondered about things like sitting up, crawling, walking, etc. And tonight, they decided to ask the doctor about what they might possibly face and she said she fully believes that he will SIT, CRAWL AND WALK! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?!?!? I am just so beyond excited!!!!!!! We all hoped in the depths of our heart and believe he could, but to get confirmation from his doctor was just an incredible blessing tonight!
We are so so excited about the "Play and Pray for Porter McClain" Tournament tomorrow! Ryan McLendon and Matt O'Neal and their amazing team have worked so hard and have blessed this family in ways that words will never do justice! I can't wait to get the list of everyone who helped and businesses who have donated. I can tell you one thing, Cedartown and Cartersville are 2 amazing towns. Please try and make it out tomorrow if you can, even if it's to only grab a burger and see the beautiful pictures of this miracle!
I hope that this fans the flame of your faith. We all ought to pray a little more confidently, and a little more often that we have in the past. I have had to believe God for BIG things throughout my life and He has always moved, so I know to believe in Him for the impossible, BUT THIS has changed my life forever. I hope it has changed yours too. Believe Him for More! Believe His Word, because it is unshakable! I promise you, your faith will be tested again one day, and I hope that you will look back on this time, and know that with God All Things Are Possible!
Please continue to pray for his progress! We are just now awaiting the day he will come home and begin his life with his mommy and daddy. What an amazing family this will be! I can't wait to continue updating you on his life. Please keep checking back on the blog! When he comes home, it won't be the end.....only the beginning!!!
God bless you all!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Bear :)
Porter McClain has had another great day! The therapist put a nipple on a syringe and he took a few sucks off of it! I think he will continue to get the hang of it! I am just so glad he tries his best every day! His feedings have been bumped up to 2 oz. and he is doing great! They are taking out his IV's tomorrow which is huge! It's a great sign that things are headed in the right direction (which is home)!
So as far as the nickname search continues, Thomas and Jennifer have picked "Bear"!
Everyone in our family has a nickname that we go by to each other. We have Jear Bear (Jerry), Honey (Pamela), Big Daddy or 6 Screw:)(Don), Nana (Cindy), T is Thomas, Jenn Jenn is Jennifer, Bo is Keith, BiBi is Rebekah, Porter will call me GiGi, and my girls are called Boo Boo and Sweet Pea. We had a hard time coming up with a nickname for Jody (my husband), so jokingly one night, he said "I want Porter to call me 'War Eagle' so every time I come around Thomas and Porter have to say it!" Ha! The conversation ended up with Jody's name being Weagle (which is in an Auburn cheer our girls love) and we have really gotten a kick out of knowing how much they love Alabama and will have to say Weagle all the time :)
Fittingly, Thomas and Jenn want us to call Porter Mac "Bear" :) I really think it's a cute name for him, and even though it might take a while to roll off our tongue, I think Bear fits him perfectly!! :)
I hope to see many of you this weekend at the Softball Tournament! I told them we needed to go ahead and make Porter some onesies that say "Sponsored by _________" so we could help support the businesses and people who have been so incredibly generous and supportive! :) Words will never be enough, but Thank you Thank you Thank you!
Love and Blessings to you all!
So as far as the nickname search continues, Thomas and Jennifer have picked "Bear"!
Everyone in our family has a nickname that we go by to each other. We have Jear Bear (Jerry), Honey (Pamela), Big Daddy or 6 Screw:)(Don), Nana (Cindy), T is Thomas, Jenn Jenn is Jennifer, Bo is Keith, BiBi is Rebekah, Porter will call me GiGi, and my girls are called Boo Boo and Sweet Pea. We had a hard time coming up with a nickname for Jody (my husband), so jokingly one night, he said "I want Porter to call me 'War Eagle' so every time I come around Thomas and Porter have to say it!" Ha! The conversation ended up with Jody's name being Weagle (which is in an Auburn cheer our girls love) and we have really gotten a kick out of knowing how much they love Alabama and will have to say Weagle all the time :)
Fittingly, Thomas and Jenn want us to call Porter Mac "Bear" :) I really think it's a cute name for him, and even though it might take a while to roll off our tongue, I think Bear fits him perfectly!! :)
I hope to see many of you this weekend at the Softball Tournament! I told them we needed to go ahead and make Porter some onesies that say "Sponsored by _________" so we could help support the businesses and people who have been so incredibly generous and supportive! :) Words will never be enough, but Thank you Thank you Thank you!
Love and Blessings to you all!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wonderful Wednesday :)
I got to go see Porter Mac this afternoon and he is doing so so good! He is starting to root which we hope is a prelude to him wanting to suck. Can he suck? yes :) Does he like to? Not yet...But it's just a matter of time before he get the hang of it. He looked the best I've ever seen him today! He now weighs 8lbs 14oz! He is by far the biggest boy in the NICU and compared to the preemies, he looks like he could eat them for lunch :) He has got the sweetest yummy little double chin you have ever seen and I think I am already driving him crazy kissing it :)
I went to a meeting in Cedartown tonight to talk about the details of the Softball Tournament this weekend and I am so excited about this weekend! As far as details, they are going to start serving food at 5 (burgers and dogs so COME HUNGRY!) and the first games start at 6. They will be selling raffle tickets for some great prizes (which you don't have to be there to win), and T-shirts which are $15 (which you can order even if you can't make it!) The generosity of you all has been amazing and I can't wait to look back and tell Porter Mac stories about you all when he is older :)
If you need any more details on this weekend, get in touch with Ryan or Matt on the "Play and Pray" page and I will try and have directions on there as soon as I get them!
Thank you all for your commitment to pray for Porter McClain! He has come sooo far and we know since July 10th we have really had God's attention. This didn't take Him by surprise, and I know He is pleased with our faith in Him! Keep praying friends! We love you all!
I went to a meeting in Cedartown tonight to talk about the details of the Softball Tournament this weekend and I am so excited about this weekend! As far as details, they are going to start serving food at 5 (burgers and dogs so COME HUNGRY!) and the first games start at 6. They will be selling raffle tickets for some great prizes (which you don't have to be there to win), and T-shirts which are $15 (which you can order even if you can't make it!) The generosity of you all has been amazing and I can't wait to look back and tell Porter Mac stories about you all when he is older :)
If you need any more details on this weekend, get in touch with Ryan or Matt on the "Play and Pray" page and I will try and have directions on there as soon as I get them!
Thank you all for your commitment to pray for Porter McClain! He has come sooo far and we know since July 10th we have really had God's attention. This didn't take Him by surprise, and I know He is pleased with our faith in Him! Keep praying friends! We love you all!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Tuesday :)
Porter McClain has had another great day. We are learning that he has a little bit of a temper :) He was wide awake and very active today. The therapists worked with him today and he is getting better, but still not thrilled with the thought of something in his mouth :) He loves for his daddy to talk to him while he's resting and if Thomas stops, Porter opens his eyes to give him a little reminder to keep talking. Thomas and Jennifer are very excited and hopeful of him eating by a bottle soon!
There is talk about taking out his IV's this weekend which is pretty awesome. We are really just amazed and excited about how far he has come! Please continue to pray for his feedings! We know he is sooo close!!!
And can I just say that I love Jennifer Westlake Ruff so much! I am so blessed she is my and I am so proud of her and how she has walked through this experience. I love seeing her and Thomas together. They are amazing and Porter Mac will have the perfect example of what a marriage should be. It's such a blessing to see my brother so happy and see him stand strong for his family.
Oh, and from now on instead of writing Porter McClain a million times, I will now be trying out some nicknames for him :) I have a million and I can't seem to make up my mind of which one fits, so just know that Butter Bean, Mac Truck, Goose, Big Mac, Little Mac, Angel, P Mac, Mac Attack, Little Brother, and Booger Bear are all him :)
Can't wait to bring you more news soon! Keep praying friends! We love you all!
There is talk about taking out his IV's this weekend which is pretty awesome. We are really just amazed and excited about how far he has come! Please continue to pray for his feedings! We know he is sooo close!!!
And can I just say that I love Jennifer Westlake Ruff so much! I am so blessed she is my and I am so proud of her and how she has walked through this experience. I love seeing her and Thomas together. They are amazing and Porter Mac will have the perfect example of what a marriage should be. It's such a blessing to see my brother so happy and see him stand strong for his family.
Oh, and from now on instead of writing Porter McClain a million times, I will now be trying out some nicknames for him :) I have a million and I can't seem to make up my mind of which one fits, so just know that Butter Bean, Mac Truck, Goose, Big Mac, Little Mac, Angel, P Mac, Mac Attack, Little Brother, and Booger Bear are all him :)
Can't wait to bring you more news soon! Keep praying friends! We love you all!
Monday, July 26, 2010
working hard
Porter Mac has been working hard and has had another great day! Thomas and Jennifer had a wonderful visit with him and were very encouraged! The speech therapist will continue to work with him on bottle feeding and tonight he will try and digest formula for the first time. He is doing great with the breast milk, so I'm sure he will do as well with formula.
We really need you to continue to specifically pray for him to adjust to the bottle. The doctors said today they believe this is more of a "when" than an "if", so we aren't so concerned for "if" he will take a bottle, its more "when." We know this is going to take some work, but we have seen him make huge steps forward and believe he will with this as well!
Thank you again, for standing with us in faith for Porter McClain! He is an amazing little boy and I just truly believe in my heart, he will continue to amaze us all through out his life!
God bless and I look forward to sharing more pictures with you soon!
We really need you to continue to specifically pray for him to adjust to the bottle. The doctors said today they believe this is more of a "when" than an "if", so we aren't so concerned for "if" he will take a bottle, its more "when." We know this is going to take some work, but we have seen him make huge steps forward and believe he will with this as well!
Thank you again, for standing with us in faith for Porter McClain! He is an amazing little boy and I just truly believe in my heart, he will continue to amaze us all through out his life!
God bless and I look forward to sharing more pictures with you soon!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sunday's Update
Porter Mac is doing good! They have still been feeding him by the NG tube, but have been bumping up his feedings and he is now taking an ounce! I got to snuggle with him for 2 hours today while Thomas and Jenn went to take a shower and eat. He is a snuggle bear! I just wanted to put him in my pocket book and bring him home! Tomorrow the speech therapist will be back to work with him on his sucking reflex. Let's pray that he warms up to it easily, he wanted NOTHING to do with it today :)
Thomas and Jennifer have been so blessed to have the room outside the NICU to sleep in and stay close to Porter Mac, but they had to move out today so a new family could stay there. I know they don't want to leave, but they also know what this new family (which has a baby that was just put on the cooling therapy) is feeling and that they need to be close to their baby. Just pray that they can rest easy tonight, knowing that Porter Mac is getting better by the day!
We are looking forward to a great week!! Thank you all for your continued prayers and we are so excited about the softball tournament this Saturday! They are also selling Porter McClain T-Shirt to help raise money, so if you are interested in one, check out the "Play and Pray" page at the top of the blog!
God Bless!
Thomas and Jennifer have been so blessed to have the room outside the NICU to sleep in and stay close to Porter Mac, but they had to move out today so a new family could stay there. I know they don't want to leave, but they also know what this new family (which has a baby that was just put on the cooling therapy) is feeling and that they need to be close to their baby. Just pray that they can rest easy tonight, knowing that Porter Mac is getting better by the day!
We are looking forward to a great week!! Thank you all for your continued prayers and we are so excited about the softball tournament this Saturday! They are also selling Porter McClain T-Shirt to help raise money, so if you are interested in one, check out the "Play and Pray" page at the top of the blog!
God Bless!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
14 days
Happy 2 week birthday Porter McClain. It's hard to believe that 14 days ago you were brought into our lives! It seems like we have known you forever and our lives have forever been changed by your coming! I look back over the past 14 days (which feels like months) and I cannot believe the progess that has been made! Since yesterday he went from 2cc's, to 8cc's, to 16cc's to now 24cc's of milk! While they aren't making him suck for it, they are putting some in his cheek and he is learning to swallow it. They have also been checking for residuals to see if he is fully digesting it and he is! He is needing a little help getting rid of extra fluid, but they are working on that now.
I am hoping and praying that we are at the half-way mark with his hospital stay. There are a few more things that he needs to accomplish, but I am sure that since he has come this far, that there won't be too many more challenges for him to meet. He is such a babydoll! I finally got a chance to hold him for the first time and he made me melt like butter! I am anxious to put some more pictures on here but I am waiting until I have a picture of all the "grands" getting to hold him! :) Hopefully I will have them posted tomorrow!
Thank you for your prayers. Please pray for a renewed strength for Thomas and Jennifer and that Porter Mac will be able to start trying a bottle this week!
God Bless!!
I am hoping and praying that we are at the half-way mark with his hospital stay. There are a few more things that he needs to accomplish, but I am sure that since he has come this far, that there won't be too many more challenges for him to meet. He is such a babydoll! I finally got a chance to hold him for the first time and he made me melt like butter! I am anxious to put some more pictures on here but I am waiting until I have a picture of all the "grands" getting to hold him! :) Hopefully I will have them posted tomorrow!
Thank you for your prayers. Please pray for a renewed strength for Thomas and Jennifer and that Porter Mac will be able to start trying a bottle this week!
God Bless!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
2 cc's
Porter Mac took 2 cc's of milk by mouth today and swallowed it! Thomas was so excited! All it takes is for him to keep making one little step (or cc) at a time and then they will be stepping through the front door :) I can't wait to get down there tomorrow! I was going to go today, but stayed in town to take care of a few things, and whoever cut Thomas's grass today...THANK YOU!
I can't wait to hold and snuggle that little stinker tomorrow! Please pray that he continues to be able to eat by mouth. It's amazing that he has already started today! Also, I would love for you to start praying for Thomas and Jennifer when they bring their little angel home. With any first time parents it is overwhelming to bring your baby home, and I can only imagine how much more the anxiety will be intensified with them. I know that they are trusting God, whatever may come, but pray that they will have peace and that they will feel the presence of God with them in their home.
Again, I will say thank you for all your prayers, we will never be able to say thank you enough. Your faith and generosity is indescribable and we will forever remember how your have helped carry us through this. You have been used by God in a mighty way. You are His hands and His feet. We love you all.
I can't wait to hold and snuggle that little stinker tomorrow! Please pray that he continues to be able to eat by mouth. It's amazing that he has already started today! Also, I would love for you to start praying for Thomas and Jennifer when they bring their little angel home. With any first time parents it is overwhelming to bring your baby home, and I can only imagine how much more the anxiety will be intensified with them. I know that they are trusting God, whatever may come, but pray that they will have peace and that they will feel the presence of God with them in their home.
Again, I will say thank you for all your prayers, we will never be able to say thank you enough. Your faith and generosity is indescribable and we will forever remember how your have helped carry us through this. You have been used by God in a mighty way. You are His hands and His feet. We love you all.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Sweet Friends
It's been another great day. Porter Mac has spent the majority of it resting and growing stronger. :) I just wanted to share with you two of the cutest little supports of Porter Mac! I can only imagine what their friendships will be like in 10 or even 20 years :) My goal is to have this blog bound into a book after documenting his first year, so I definately want him to see these beautiful girls wearing their orange bracelets! I can't wait to have pictures of their first play dates!!! :)

The little angel on the left is Ms. Anabella Rozier and the angel on the right is Ms. Kate Smith :)

The little angel on the left is Ms. Anabella Rozier and the angel on the right is Ms. Kate Smith :)
The Doctors Report
Thomas and Jennifer have been anxiously awaiting thier first meeting with Porter Mac's Neurologist so we knew that this morning was going to be a BIG DEAL! We agreed in prayer last night that no matter what the report was, that we would believe in God's promises and the final word in Porters life, and prepared ourselves for the fact that doctors usually don't say anything good unless they know for sure.
BUT the Doctor was (in his own words) "amazed" to see Porter McClain because what he is doing doesn't match up with his MRI at all! He said that he won't have to be on seizure medication anymore and that he is suprised that all of his progress has been made on his own, because he hasn't been seen by any therapists yet, only the speech therapist, and all she did was give him the paci and he took to it immediately! He also said "I don't usually come to the NICU to see babies this good of a condition!" This was better than our "best-case" scenario! And I wonder why when we pray for things, and then it happens, we act shocked!!! This has added so much fuel to our fire and we are going to continue to believe for healing no matter what happens from here on out!
Specically, they are going to being working on eating by mouth either this weekend or beginning of next week. We know he can breathe on his own, we know he can swallow and now we know he has the suck now we need him to do all 3 at the same time :) I hope that you will pray with more confidence than ever!!!!
Thank you again for everything. Please check out the "Pray and Play" fundraiser too! We are so fortunate to have amazing friends and family.
BUT the Doctor was (in his own words) "amazed" to see Porter McClain because what he is doing doesn't match up with his MRI at all! He said that he won't have to be on seizure medication anymore and that he is suprised that all of his progress has been made on his own, because he hasn't been seen by any therapists yet, only the speech therapist, and all she did was give him the paci and he took to it immediately! He also said "I don't usually come to the NICU to see babies this good of a condition!" This was better than our "best-case" scenario! And I wonder why when we pray for things, and then it happens, we act shocked!!! This has added so much fuel to our fire and we are going to continue to believe for healing no matter what happens from here on out!
Specically, they are going to being working on eating by mouth either this weekend or beginning of next week. We know he can breathe on his own, we know he can swallow and now we know he has the suck now we need him to do all 3 at the same time :) I hope that you will pray with more confidence than ever!!!!
Thank you again for everything. Please check out the "Pray and Play" fundraiser too! We are so fortunate to have amazing friends and family.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Porter and the Paci
My internet is down, so I am trying to blog this from my blackberry.... PORTER MAC SUCKED ON HIS PACIFIER TONIGHT!!!! I cannot begin to tell you how exciting this is!!! Its AMAZING!!!! After reading through all the blogs today, its absolutely incredible to see the progress he has made and almost everything we have specifically asked for in prayer, it has happened! God's hands continue to be on Porter McClain.
Please continue to praise and pray with us! Pray that he will continue his sucking reflex with his paci and make a seamless transition to a bottle.
Tomorrow I will have all the information on the softball tournament so check back in :)
Please continue to praise and pray with us! Pray that he will continue his sucking reflex with his paci and make a seamless transition to a bottle.
Tomorrow I will have all the information on the softball tournament so check back in :)
Meeting a Miracle
I had such a great visit at the hospital today. Porter Mac was looking so good, I almost walked right by him without realizing it was him! It's the first time I have seen him with a onsie on and swaddled up while laying in his bed. He is so stinking cute! They told me I could hold him, but he was sleeping so soundly, I just couldn't stand the thought of waking him up :) BUT I will definitely have him in my arms Saturday!
While we were there today, Cindy opened the door and said "Thomas, come quick Jennifer wants you to see something!" So we all got up and booked it down the hall, to see Jennifer standing and talking with a family and a group of nurses. It was a family that had been at Grady 2 years ago, when their little girl suffered brain damage during birth and was also diagnosed with HIE and was a much more severe case than Porter Mac. She had also undergone the cooling therapy and was now seeing incredible results! This beautiful little girl ran around her daddy's legs and played and fought with her sister. We looked at pictures on the wall and she pointed and said "baby, baby." She would give me five if I put my hand out. They had come to encourage families that were there in the NICU and to visit the nurses that had helped them. She was an absolute miracle and it encouraged Thomas and Jennifer so much. I just cried when I realized how much God had touched that little angel and how He is also with Porter. It was surreal. If my jaw could have literally hit the floor, it would have. What an awesome day.
A neurologist will come a see Porter tomorrow and give them an idea on when he will be able to start feeding by mouth. We are really praying that he will take to a bottle easily. Please pray that this won't be an issue and he will grasp this skill quickly! Once he does, he should be pretty close to coming home. :)
I will have some information on a page at the top by tomorrow, but several of Thomas and Jennifer's friends are putting on a "Play and Pray" softball tournament fundraiser for Porter Mac July 31st, so be checking on that to find a way to get involved. They are looking for teams to sign up and businesses to donate things for a raffle. I am not heading this up, but I will try and direct you to the right people!
Thank you again for your prayers! KEEP PRAYING SWEET FRIENDS!
Oh, and I mailed out a bunch of bracelets today, so even if you are out of town and want one, just email me and I will get it out tomorrow!! :)
While we were there today, Cindy opened the door and said "Thomas, come quick Jennifer wants you to see something!" So we all got up and booked it down the hall, to see Jennifer standing and talking with a family and a group of nurses. It was a family that had been at Grady 2 years ago, when their little girl suffered brain damage during birth and was also diagnosed with HIE and was a much more severe case than Porter Mac. She had also undergone the cooling therapy and was now seeing incredible results! This beautiful little girl ran around her daddy's legs and played and fought with her sister. We looked at pictures on the wall and she pointed and said "baby, baby." She would give me five if I put my hand out. They had come to encourage families that were there in the NICU and to visit the nurses that had helped them. She was an absolute miracle and it encouraged Thomas and Jennifer so much. I just cried when I realized how much God had touched that little angel and how He is also with Porter. It was surreal. If my jaw could have literally hit the floor, it would have. What an awesome day.
A neurologist will come a see Porter tomorrow and give them an idea on when he will be able to start feeding by mouth. We are really praying that he will take to a bottle easily. Please pray that this won't be an issue and he will grasp this skill quickly! Once he does, he should be pretty close to coming home. :)
I will have some information on a page at the top by tomorrow, but several of Thomas and Jennifer's friends are putting on a "Play and Pray" softball tournament fundraiser for Porter Mac July 31st, so be checking on that to find a way to get involved. They are looking for teams to sign up and businesses to donate things for a raffle. I am not heading this up, but I will try and direct you to the right people!
Thank you again for your prayers! KEEP PRAYING SWEET FRIENDS!
Oh, and I mailed out a bunch of bracelets today, so even if you are out of town and want one, just email me and I will get it out tomorrow!! :)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
A Sweet Surprise!

Thomas and Jenn got an incredible surprise today, when their nurse knocked on the door (to the family room they have been sleeping in) and had Porter McClain in a stroller and had brought him for a little visit! Of course he was still hooked up to the monitors, so they weren't able to get him out, but I think they were in shock to see him out of the NICU bed and have a little time with him in a more intimate environment. I could tell by hearing Thomas's voice over the phone they both have a "perma-grin" on their face and were just beyond excited!!!!!
The nurse stayed with them for about 45 minutes before taking him back to his bed, but it was just the greatest unexpected treat! He is doing great digesting his milk and they are getting ready to start dipping his pacifier in milk to work on his sucking reflex. We are so encouraged and anticipating good things in the days to come.
I can't wait to get back down to the hospital to see them tomorrow! Now that we have made about 2500 bracelets :), I assume that the need will start slowing down, so now I am brainstorming his coming home celebration! :) If you have any good ideas or know of where I can get a couple of banners made, send me some info! And if you sent me an email and I haven't responded or you still need bracelets, email me one more time, because I will be mailing more tomorrow!
Keep leaving them comments, I read them to them while I am there and they are always so excited to hear who is praying and following his progress!
May we continually praise God and give him all the glory!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Another great day!
Well, one thing I can definitely say is that Porter Mac is feisty! He HATED the tube from the ventilator and pushed and grabbed it all the time, and today he pulled his feeding tube out of his mouth! It just makes me laugh! I love that it bothers him in a way. They have repositioned it in his nose, so maybe he will leave it alone for a while :)
Thomas and Jennifer sounded great tonight. They got to actually snuggle him for a while today and change diapers. They were so happy. I am so excited that he is continuing to fight and make such great progress! They got to hear him coo for the first time and watch him look around and check out everything. It just makes my heart happy. I KNOW YOUR PRAYERS ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!!!! Please Please keep them coming!
Thomas says every time I see him that he can't wait to come home with his son and tell everyone he sees about the power of God. He can still perform miracles and I believe we are all getting the chance to witness one with our very eyes! Thank you for being a part of this and I pray you are just as blessed as are you a blessing!
Thomas and Jennifer sounded great tonight. They got to actually snuggle him for a while today and change diapers. They were so happy. I am so excited that he is continuing to fight and make such great progress! They got to hear him coo for the first time and watch him look around and check out everything. It just makes my heart happy. I KNOW YOUR PRAYERS ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!!!! Please Please keep them coming!
Thomas says every time I see him that he can't wait to come home with his son and tell everyone he sees about the power of God. He can still perform miracles and I believe we are all getting the chance to witness one with our very eyes! Thank you for being a part of this and I pray you are just as blessed as are you a blessing!
Updates :)
Sorry I couldn't update the blog yesterday, but a storm knocked out our internet service :)
Porter McClain is really making progess. Yesterday they took him off the ventilator and he is doing okay breathing on his own. I know it will take some time for him to strengthen, but he had a great night and is keeping down all the feedings they are giving him right now. It will probably be a slow next couple of days, while they wait and give him time to get used to breathing on his own. This is really the first time his body has ever tried to do this, so we are very pleased he is at this point!
People keep wanting to pay us for the bracelets, but I just want to tell you again, these are ONLY to remind everyone to pray and bring unity on behalf of Porter Mac. I mean, its a piece of string! :) I have had many many emails asking me for a way to donate to the family, so I decided to just go ahead and put a DONATE button on here. This is ONLY if you feel led to give. I know they have a lot of family and friends in different cities and even in different states that want to be able to just give a little something, so I felt like this would be the easiest and safest way to do that.
Thank you again for continuing to check the blog and stay connected. I am so proud of our communities in the way they have rallied behind the family. I am hoping when Porter McClain comes home from the hospital, we can all send them our bracelets to put in his baby book so he can one day see just how many people were praying for him.
Hope you enjoy a few more pictures I have taken!!
Porter McClain is really making progess. Yesterday they took him off the ventilator and he is doing okay breathing on his own. I know it will take some time for him to strengthen, but he had a great night and is keeping down all the feedings they are giving him right now. It will probably be a slow next couple of days, while they wait and give him time to get used to breathing on his own. This is really the first time his body has ever tried to do this, so we are very pleased he is at this point!
People keep wanting to pay us for the bracelets, but I just want to tell you again, these are ONLY to remind everyone to pray and bring unity on behalf of Porter Mac. I mean, its a piece of string! :) I have had many many emails asking me for a way to donate to the family, so I decided to just go ahead and put a DONATE button on here. This is ONLY if you feel led to give. I know they have a lot of family and friends in different cities and even in different states that want to be able to just give a little something, so I felt like this would be the easiest and safest way to do that.
Thank you again for continuing to check the blog and stay connected. I am so proud of our communities in the way they have rallied behind the family. I am hoping when Porter McClain comes home from the hospital, we can all send them our bracelets to put in his baby book so he can one day see just how many people were praying for him.
Hope you enjoy a few more pictures I have taken!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010
In Their Arms
I am so excited to tell you that today has been a GREAT day! First of all, the response over the bracelets has been incredible! I was expecting our close friends and family to participate but I had no idea the outpouring of love and support and excitement we would get! We know that you all have been praying, but to take that extra step and wear the bracelets in support is really making a difference! As far as Cartersville goes, they are at Riley's, Periwinkle, J.Tanner Salon and will be in Specialty Accounting Monday. They will be brought to Tabernacle, First Baptist, and Sam Jones tomorrow. I am getting some things worked out in Cedartown and should be sending them that way tomorrow. Details to come :)
And as far as today goes, Thomas and Jennifer FINALLY got to hold their beautiful baby boy. I couldn't wait to get home and upload some pictures! He also was fed milk for the first time today and is able to digest it! Plus tomorrow they have plans to completely wean him from the ventilator. His activity and movement have been the most we have seen since birth and he is actually trying to take the tube out himself!
Yesterday was just rough. It was discouraging, disappointing and we heard everything we DIDN'T want to hear. But by the end of the night, we were encouraged, full of anticipation and almost excited. Then when we got to the hospital today, Jennifer was just walking down the hall with a smile on her face, and the only word I can describe her as was joyous. And it was contagious... I hope these special picture bless you like they have us!

And as far as today goes, Thomas and Jennifer FINALLY got to hold their beautiful baby boy. I couldn't wait to get home and upload some pictures! He also was fed milk for the first time today and is able to digest it! Plus tomorrow they have plans to completely wean him from the ventilator. His activity and movement have been the most we have seen since birth and he is actually trying to take the tube out himself!
Yesterday was just rough. It was discouraging, disappointing and we heard everything we DIDN'T want to hear. But by the end of the night, we were encouraged, full of anticipation and almost excited. Then when we got to the hospital today, Jennifer was just walking down the hall with a smile on her face, and the only word I can describe her as was joyous. And it was contagious... I hope these special picture bless you like they have us!
Prayer Bracelets
This morning I was thinking about something that we all could do to show unity on behalf of Thomas Jennifer and Porter McClain and I remembered a time, where we were also standing in faith believing for the healing of a dear friends child, so we are going to start wearing these string prayer bracelets. Every time we look at it we will pray for Porter McClain and we will leave them on until he comes home from the hospital, maybe longer, depending on what his needs are.
We would LOVE for you to join us and show your support by wearing one as your continue to pray for my nephew. I will have them in Riley's men's store here in Cartersville, you can contact me, or Ginny Smith. I will also have a person in Cedartown and in the Atlanta area. If you aren't in these places and want one, I will find a way.
There IS power in numbers and we want as many people as possible to join us.
And I know we are all still processing some of the test results, but I have to tell you, God's presence is in that NICU. Thomas and Jennifer are amazing and are fully standing on God's promises. I know people want specifics on how to pray, but I have learned in situations like these that the Holy Spirit knows better than we do and will intercede on behalf of us. Just continue to pray that God's will be done and that HE will receive all the Glory in our miracle baby.
Jacquelyn Ray -
Ginny Smith Weaver -
I will have someone in Cedartown here soon.
If you have a place of business or want to take some to your church or work, please let me know and I will get a number of them ready for you!
Thanks again and GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
We would LOVE for you to join us and show your support by wearing one as your continue to pray for my nephew. I will have them in Riley's men's store here in Cartersville, you can contact me, or Ginny Smith. I will also have a person in Cedartown and in the Atlanta area. If you aren't in these places and want one, I will find a way.
There IS power in numbers and we want as many people as possible to join us.
And I know we are all still processing some of the test results, but I have to tell you, God's presence is in that NICU. Thomas and Jennifer are amazing and are fully standing on God's promises. I know people want specifics on how to pray, but I have learned in situations like these that the Holy Spirit knows better than we do and will intercede on behalf of us. Just continue to pray that God's will be done and that HE will receive all the Glory in our miracle baby.
Jacquelyn Ray -
Ginny Smith Weaver -
I will have someone in Cedartown here soon.
If you have a place of business or want to take some to your church or work, please let me know and I will get a number of them ready for you!
Thanks again and GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
Friday, July 16, 2010
I know you are all wanting information on Porter McClain's progress, but for now we are just asking for your prayers. As believers, we know that the only thing we know for sure is to stand on the Word and God's promises. We are speaking life and healing over this baby boy and have no room for anything else.
Hopefully I will be able to share more details with you soon, but for now, all I know is that God holding them close and will help them through.
Thank you again, for understanding that this will be a long process and I hope that your commitment to pray will only grow stronger as time goes by.
I look forward to bringing you good news and watching God in the midst of this battle.
Hopefully I will be able to share more details with you soon, but for now, all I know is that God holding them close and will help them through.
Thank you again, for understanding that this will be a long process and I hope that your commitment to pray will only grow stronger as time goes by.
I look forward to bringing you good news and watching God in the midst of this battle.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
While we wait...
When you are waiting for answers minutes seem like hours, hours seem like days, and days seem like months. As much as I love Porter McClain, I can't even being to imagine what this feels like for Thomas and Jennifer. Porter Mac had his MRI done today and it probably won't be until some time tomorrow once they see the doctor again for the results. They took the tubes out of his navel and replaced the line through his arm, for his nutrition. He has been such a trooper today. He is breathing on his own and doing great, the ventilator is just there in case he has another episode.
I know many of you are anxious to hear the results, too. The calls, texts, and emails are so encouraging and the love and concern is overwhelming. I know you check the blog all day, I even find myself getting on here several times a day :)
So....while we wait, I just wanted to share some scriptures with you that have really encouraged me today.
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11: 1
And Jesus said to them, "...for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17: 20
"Yet we have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote, I have believed, and therefore have I spoken. We too believe, and therefore we speak." 2 Corinthians 4: 13
"I waited patiently for God to help me; then He listened and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out from the bog and the mire, and set my feet on a hard, firm path and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, of praises to our God. Now many will hear of the glorious things He did for me, and stand in awe before the Lord, and put their trust in Him." Psalms 40:1-3
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ." Philippians 4:6-7
Be encouraged friends. Pray with confidence and if you don't know what to pray, speak the scriptures. HIS words are TRUE and UNSHAKABLE!
"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5
I know many of you are anxious to hear the results, too. The calls, texts, and emails are so encouraging and the love and concern is overwhelming. I know you check the blog all day, I even find myself getting on here several times a day :)
So....while we wait, I just wanted to share some scriptures with you that have really encouraged me today.
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11: 1
And Jesus said to them, "...for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17: 20
"Yet we have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote, I have believed, and therefore have I spoken. We too believe, and therefore we speak." 2 Corinthians 4: 13
"I waited patiently for God to help me; then He listened and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out from the bog and the mire, and set my feet on a hard, firm path and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, of praises to our God. Now many will hear of the glorious things He did for me, and stand in awe before the Lord, and put their trust in Him." Psalms 40:1-3
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ." Philippians 4:6-7
Be encouraged friends. Pray with confidence and if you don't know what to pray, speak the scriptures. HIS words are TRUE and UNSHAKABLE!
"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5
Every Inch He Makes
For every single inch of progress Porter McClain continues to make, we will be praising God.
Today He is going through the MRI and a few other tests. We are anxiously awaiting miraculous results, but it could be tomorrow before I am able to bring any specific news.
Please continue to Pray and Praise with us as Porter is in the midst of the tests. We want the doctors to be overwhelmed with supernatural wisdom and understanding and to feel the presence of the Lord. We know that Porter is being carried in the hands of God and pray that he will soon be in his mothers and fathers arms.
May we all be reminded that THIS is the day that the Lord has made, we WILL rejoice and be glad in it!
Today He is going through the MRI and a few other tests. We are anxiously awaiting miraculous results, but it could be tomorrow before I am able to bring any specific news.
Please continue to Pray and Praise with us as Porter is in the midst of the tests. We want the doctors to be overwhelmed with supernatural wisdom and understanding and to feel the presence of the Lord. We know that Porter is being carried in the hands of God and pray that he will soon be in his mothers and fathers arms.
May we all be reminded that THIS is the day that the Lord has made, we WILL rejoice and be glad in it!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Ups and Downs
Porter McClain is resting and doing well. He is breathing on his own and the ventilator is just there incase he struggles again, which we are positive as time continues he will continue to need it less and come off!
Over the next few days there will be many ups and downs, which are to be expected, and I think it would just be too much, to try and update you on everything, so I am going to be waiting until we know better where things stand.
Thank you all for your love, prayers, and encouragement. Encouragement is a HUGE thing for us and we are hopeful and positive that Porter Mac will be making a strong comeback soon.
Over the next few days there will be many ups and downs, which are to be expected, and I think it would just be too much, to try and update you on everything, so I am going to be waiting until we know better where things stand.
Thank you all for your love, prayers, and encouragement. Encouragement is a HUGE thing for us and we are hopeful and positive that Porter Mac will be making a strong comeback soon.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
This Beautiful Face

I know, I know, I am completely biased, but is this not the most beautiful sight you've ever seen! It makes me want to cry every time I look at him! Thomas and Jennifer make beautiful babies!!!!! And as far as this boy being spoiled.....he doesn't stand a chance!!! HE'S GOING TO BE ROTTEN!!!
Thank you Lord for every step Porter Mac continues to make. He is already such a blessing to so many people and has changed my life forever. I am so ready for tomorrow! It's going to be a great day and I anticipate bring you great news!!!!
CPAP is off
The CPAP mask is off! This means that Porter Mac is truly breathing on his own and keeping his oxygen levels up without any assistance. We just can't believe that he has improved so much over these past 2 days. I can't wait to get a picture of him on here so you can see his beautiful face without any of the hoses and wires!
I have been contacted a lot on how you can help and that you want to bring food. Several dear friends will get them through the next few days, but if you do want to do something, you can contact me at 678.986.9219 or It is a little hard to take a prepared dinner to them, so if you want to do that, I will let you know when they will be getting close to coming home so that we can set up a schedule then. Your generosity has been amazing.
Again, Please Please continue your prayers for Porter. You are being used by God and a part of this true miracle. May this fan the flame of your faith, that with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!
Link this blog on your facebook, Email it to your friends. We need the prayers and praises of as many people who will call on the name of our Lord.
Thank you and I look forward to bringing you more good news soon!!!
I have been contacted a lot on how you can help and that you want to bring food. Several dear friends will get them through the next few days, but if you do want to do something, you can contact me at 678.986.9219 or It is a little hard to take a prepared dinner to them, so if you want to do that, I will let you know when they will be getting close to coming home so that we can set up a schedule then. Your generosity has been amazing.
Again, Please Please continue your prayers for Porter. You are being used by God and a part of this true miracle. May this fan the flame of your faith, that with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!
Link this blog on your facebook, Email it to your friends. We need the prayers and praises of as many people who will call on the name of our Lord.
Thank you and I look forward to bringing you more good news soon!!!
1st DOWNS!!!!
We have been comparing Porter Mac's progress to a football game (and as you can imagine Don, Jennifer's precious dad, talking to us like a coach) so we can definitely say he is MAKING FIRST DOWNS! We are moving the chains!! :)
Thomas and Jennifer called this morning more excited than we could have ever imagined. Porter Mac finally started passing his meconium.....His blood levels are now normalizing.....His EEG was confirmed normal and that what he we thought were seizures actually aren't.....and he is trying to suck! I just want to scream, "are you kidding me?!?!?!" We have been filled with laughter all morning! All of these things weren't even close to what we were expecting in these first days.
We can't even being to Praise God for the miracles we are witnessing each day. I only wish you could have seen him Saturday, because to see him now, you would jump and shout.
Thomas and Jennifer even said they were ok and and trusting God, because they know the purpose is greater than they can see right now. They are just precious and amazing and strong and determined.
Thank you for continuing to pray and now join with us and continually Praise the Living God for all He has done and will continue to do! He inhabits the praises of His people!!!
Thomas and Jennifer called this morning more excited than we could have ever imagined. Porter Mac finally started passing his meconium.....His blood levels are now normalizing.....His EEG was confirmed normal and that what he we thought were seizures actually aren't.....and he is trying to suck! I just want to scream, "are you kidding me?!?!?!" We have been filled with laughter all morning! All of these things weren't even close to what we were expecting in these first days.
We can't even being to Praise God for the miracles we are witnessing each day. I only wish you could have seen him Saturday, because to see him now, you would jump and shout.
Thomas and Jennifer even said they were ok and and trusting God, because they know the purpose is greater than they can see right now. They are just precious and amazing and strong and determined.
Thank you for continuing to pray and now join with us and continually Praise the Living God for all He has done and will continue to do! He inhabits the praises of His people!!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
48 Hrs
It's been a great day!
He is now 2 days old and truly an angel! Today has been a GREAT day! He is now completely off the ventilator and only on the CPAP mask for his oxygen!!!! HUGE!!!! He wet his diaper several times today which had his nurse practically giddy! AND they did an EEG that seemed to appear normal, which means that even though he is having tremors they aren't necessarily all seizures. This all has been such an encouragement today.
Thomas and Jennifer finally got to see and talk to their baby boy. They are already such wonderful parents, we couldn't be more proud. The family got to sit down his entire team of doctors to answer any questions and talk about the next few days. Can I just say that Grady Hospital has been beyond amazing!
Please continue to pray that he defies the odds! Specifically that the seizures will stop completely, that his blood ph normalizes, and that he doesn't have any complications when they begin to bring his body temperature up.
Thank you again, for all your prayers and words of encouragement! They are being heard and felt!!!
He is now 2 days old and truly an angel! Today has been a GREAT day! He is now completely off the ventilator and only on the CPAP mask for his oxygen!!!! HUGE!!!! He wet his diaper several times today which had his nurse practically giddy! AND they did an EEG that seemed to appear normal, which means that even though he is having tremors they aren't necessarily all seizures. This all has been such an encouragement today.
Thomas and Jennifer finally got to see and talk to their baby boy. They are already such wonderful parents, we couldn't be more proud. The family got to sit down his entire team of doctors to answer any questions and talk about the next few days. Can I just say that Grady Hospital has been beyond amazing!
Please continue to pray that he defies the odds! Specifically that the seizures will stop completely, that his blood ph normalizes, and that he doesn't have any complications when they begin to bring his body temperature up.
Thank you again, for all your prayers and words of encouragement! They are being heard and felt!!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
We Have PEE!!!!
Yall, there are many things on the list we have been concerned about today, BUT one of those have been marked off the list! HE WET HIS DIAPER! It might not seem like much, but we were concerned that his kidneys hadn't function yet in his first 24 hours. Please pray for continued progress! We are so so so excited tonight!
Tomorrow we will all be headed to Grady and will update as soon as I can. Thank you again for all your prayers. God has truly moved mountains today!!!!!
Tomorrow we will all be headed to Grady and will update as soon as I can. Thank you again for all your prayers. God has truly moved mountains today!!!!!
Porter McClain Ruff
My beautiful sister and brother delivered the most amazing and precious little boy yesterday at 7:36 pm. He weighed 7.95 lbs and is 21 inches long. A head full of dark hair and looks just like his daddy.
He was diagnosed with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy after a true knot was found in the umbilical chord and had wrapped around his neck. Not knowing exactly where things stood, the doctor decided to send him to the NICU at Grady. He is currently stable but critial. We pray that his little body will continue to fight against the odds, AND HE IS A FIGHTER! He has a long road ahead of him and we won't truly know what damage was done until the 72 hour mark. They currently have him in theraputic hypothermia to try and repair as much damage as possible during this critial time. Jennifer and Thomas will be able to see him tomorrow and are looking forward to being reunited with their baby.
Please pray for them as they begin this uncertain journey. I know that there is a purpose for every time under heaven and while this has broken our hearts more than you can imagine, we are all regrouping and praying and believing God for miracles.
thank you sweet friends. I am going to try and encourage them to start journaling on CaringBridge, but right now they just aren't able to even think about that. I will try and keep updates here at least once a day for any changes or specific needs that he has. If you want to leave them a message or any well wishes, you can comment here and I will send them along to them every day. They need all the encouragement they can get :)
much love from us and our precious little man!
He was diagnosed with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy after a true knot was found in the umbilical chord and had wrapped around his neck. Not knowing exactly where things stood, the doctor decided to send him to the NICU at Grady. He is currently stable but critial. We pray that his little body will continue to fight against the odds, AND HE IS A FIGHTER! He has a long road ahead of him and we won't truly know what damage was done until the 72 hour mark. They currently have him in theraputic hypothermia to try and repair as much damage as possible during this critial time. Jennifer and Thomas will be able to see him tomorrow and are looking forward to being reunited with their baby.
Please pray for them as they begin this uncertain journey. I know that there is a purpose for every time under heaven and while this has broken our hearts more than you can imagine, we are all regrouping and praying and believing God for miracles.
thank you sweet friends. I am going to try and encourage them to start journaling on CaringBridge, but right now they just aren't able to even think about that. I will try and keep updates here at least once a day for any changes or specific needs that he has. If you want to leave them a message or any well wishes, you can comment here and I will send them along to them every day. They need all the encouragement they can get :)
much love from us and our precious little man!
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