Friday, July 23, 2010

2 cc's

Porter Mac took 2 cc's of milk by mouth today and swallowed it! Thomas was so excited! All it takes is for him to keep making one little step (or cc) at a time and then they will be stepping through the front door :) I can't wait to get down there tomorrow! I was going to go today, but stayed in town to take care of a few things, and whoever cut Thomas's grass today...THANK YOU!

I can't wait to hold and snuggle that little stinker tomorrow! Please pray that he continues to be able to eat by mouth. It's amazing that he has already started today! Also, I would love for you to start praying for Thomas and Jennifer when they bring their little angel home. With any first time parents it is overwhelming to bring your baby home, and I can only imagine how much more the anxiety will be intensified with them. I know that they are trusting God, whatever may come, but pray that they will have peace and that they will feel the presence of God with them in their home.

Again, I will say thank you for all your prayers, we will never be able to say thank you enough. Your faith and generosity is indescribable and we will forever remember how your have helped carry us through this. You have been used by God in a mighty way. You are His hands and His feet. We love you all.


  1. The Lord has turned Porter McClain's life into a miracle! I am so happy to hear the good news of him drinking his milk. Praise God over and over.
    Love, Barbara Stone

  2. Jacquelyn - Hey Im Krista Wilkes. Me and Jennifer cheered 5 years together in Middle School & High School. Will you please let Thomas & Jennifer and both of their families know that they & Baby Porter are in our families prayers. I have read every post since you started today and I have cried on every one of them. It is so great to know that God is using baby Porter as a Miracle Baby and that God is still in control of everything. Please let us know if we can do anything for the family. Also thank you for taking the time to post updates on Baby Porter for everyone that cannot be there with the family. Will you please tell Don that Jeremy (my husband) AKA Bullfrawg said hello and that we all are praying and that we love them all.

    Please tell Jennifer a special hello for me and that I love her!

    God Bless you all!

    Jeremy, Krista & Shelby Lynn Wilkes

  3. Praise God from whom ALL BLESSINGS flow!

  4. Whoo Hoo!!! Awesome!!!

  5. Nick & Sarah Runyon
    Looking good, Porter McClain!!
