I'm so proud of Porter Mac! I just love this picture of him working on his bottle feedings! I know that when he gets home and Jennifer and Thomas are able to work with him every feeding it will become easier and easier! He is just a baby doll!
They had a good visit at the hospital today. They are getting all the loose ends tied up and we think he will be home by Saturday! It's going to be wonderful! I am extra excited that I live right next door to them! :) Bear is going to be rotten!
Thanks for all who have asked about takethemameal.com. Instead of you having to email me, the password is Ruff. Original, huh ;)
I will have tons of pictures from the softball tournament soon and can't wait to share with you the news of when he actually comes home!
Blessing on you all!
Cheers for Porter Mac! I knew he could do it. He is beautiful. I am so proud. He has come a long ways. Nothing is too difficult for Our Lord!Love, Barbara Stone